Stallworth named director of Master of Science in Accounting program at Appalachian State University

Dr. Lynn Stallworth has been named program director of the Master of Science in Accounting program at Appalachian State University, effective July 1, 2019.

Dr. Stallworth, a professor in the Walker College of Business’ Department of Accounting, joined Appalachian’s faculty in 2006. She has taught undergraduate courses in financial accounting, the Master of Accounting Capstone course, and corporate and international accounting at partner institution University of Angers, France.

As MS in Accounting program director, Dr. Stallworth will lead all aspects of the degree program, working to provide advanced education to meet the needs of those planning careers in accounting at the professional level.

The program and department have a strong reputation for excellence in accounting education and are highly regarded by accounting employers in North Carolina and throughout the Southeast. Learn more.

Along with acting MBA director Dr. Tim Forsyth and applied data analytics program director Dr. Lakshmi Iyer, Dr. Stallworth will complete the leadership team in the Walker College’s Graduate Programs and Research Office.

“Lynn is a seasoned teacher and researcher,” said Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Research Dr. Sandy Vannoy. “She brings to the role exceptional service experiences at the university, college and department levels.”

Currently, Dr. Stallworth is is a member of the college’s sustainability research committee and the Department of Accounting’s undergraduate and graduate assessment and admissions committees. Her research interests include earnings management, case writing and pedagogical issues. Her work has been published in Issues in Accounting Education and The Journal of Accounting Case Research, among others.

Dr. Stallworth earned a Ph.D. in accounting from Louisiana State University and holds a Master of Accountancy and a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Mississippi.

Lynn Stallworth
Published: Oct 13, 2020 3:42pm
